
Celebrate the Wheel of the Year festivals with these ceremonies from my book,
Sophia’s Return – A Guide to Creating a Goddess-Inspired Sacred Circle.



February 2 | Northern Hemisphere
August 2 | Southern Hemisphere

Imbolc is the time of year when the darkest days of winter slowly begin to recede. We begin to imagine light returning both within and without. We look for new growth coming up from the earth.

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

March 21 | Northern Hemisphere
September 21 | Southern Hemisphere

Spring Equinox is a time to celebrate the earth warming up and all the new growth this will bring. Darkness and light are now equal. We begin to turn away from the darkness and embrace the light.

Spring Equinox


May 1 | Northern Hemisphere
October 31 | Southern Hemisphere

Beltane is when we welcome the fullness of spring. This is a time to honour the refreshment of the life force and the ever renewed beauty of the earth.

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

June 21 | Northern Hemisphere
December 21 | Southern Hemisphere

Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year as the sun is in its maximum height in the sky. This is the time that the light reaches the limit of its power over darkness. Going forward the light will wane and the darkness will grow.

Summer Solstice


August 21 | Northern Hemisphere
February 2 | Southern Hemisphere

Lammas is the first of two harvest festivals. The second harvest festival is called Autumn Equinox, or Mabon. Lammas means feast of bread, and it was a festival associated with the wheat harvest.

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

September 21 | Northern Hemisphere
March 21 | Southern Hemisphere

Autumn Equinox is when we are at full harvest when we give thanks for all the abundance Mother Earth has given us. Light and darkness are now equal.

Autumn Equinox


October 31 | Northern Hemisphere
May 1 | Southern Hemisphere

Samhain is when the harvest is finally put to rest and the season is moving into less light and more dark. It is associated with Halloween and a night when the veil is thin between the worlds and we feel closer to our ancestors.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice/Yule

December 21 | Northern Hemisphere
June 21 | Southern Hemisphere

Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. The light returns at midnight and the balance between light and dark shifts once again toward the light. In ancient times, the coming of the light was connected to a divine child who brings the promise of the summer.

Winter Solstice
Moon phase illustration


Symbols | Crescent Moon
Goddess | Persephone

A Maiden Ceremony is for a girl who is turning the age of thirteen. It is usually hosted by her mother, grandmother or adult friend.

Moon phase illustration
Moon phase illustration


Symbols | Full Moon
Goddess | Demeter

A Mother Ceremony is the Goddess version of a modern-day baby shower. It honors the choice a woman has made to become a Mother, making a life-changing rite of passage.

Moon phase illustration
Moon phase illustration


Symbols | Waning Moon
Goddess | Hecate

A Crone Ceremony is for a woman who is in a stage in her life when she has completed menopause. It is hosted by a close friend or the crone herself.

Moon phase illustration