Purple Goddess Online Pilgrimage™
A 12-Month Spiritual Journey
Over the past years, my female clients have consistently shared what they most long for – a supportive community of women and a meaningful Goddess focus in their lives.
Women’s Circles are a passionate focus of my life. As a social worker, I facilitated innumerable Healing Circles for female survivors of sexual and domestic abuse and regularly guide women through Sacred Circles based on the Celtic Wheel of the Year.
I describe these experiences – and my own pilgrimage to Crete with Carol P. Christ – in my new book, Sophia’s Return – A Guide to Creating a Goddess-Inspired Sacred Circle.
As I reflected on the yearnings of my clients, it became clear that the best way I could serve is to do what I’ve done for years.
So I am excited to announce that in early 2022, I will be launching a year-long course called the PURPLE GODDESS ONLINE PILGRIMAGE™ – a transformative, spiritual journey through the Celtic Wheel of the Year.
The goal of this pilgrimage is for each pilgrim to embrace their unique Goddess path.
During the course we will embrace the energies of the Triple Goddess – Maiden, Mother and Crone. Together, we will cultivate a powerful and transformational connection to the 8 festivals of the Celtic Wheel (e.g. Summer solstice) and their associated Goddesses.
Once a week, participants will gather together online in small groups. The bonding and sharing within these intimate women’s circles create some of the most powerful and transformative experiences of this online journey.
Interested in joining our PURPLE GODDESS ONLINE PILGRIMAGE course?
Questions or comments – or just want to connect? Please contact me directly at anne@purplegoddess.guru.
I look forward to hearing from you.