Timely Tarot Readings
It’s time to channel your intuition with the High Priestess
The High Priestess reminds us of the importance of honouring our inner divinity and wisdom and choosing to walk the spiritual path.
It’s time to receive a cup of love
The 2 of Cups represents a union, a coming together of forces as in a partnership or a joining of two energies creating peace and harmony.
Taking stock with the 7 of pentacles
The 7 of Pentacles invites us to take stock - again and again. Taking stock is a careful, dedicated process of observation and reflection helping us to cultivate and grow.
Peace of mind with the 4 of Swords
The 4 of Swords encourages us to relax our minds and allow what is to come to proceed undisturbed in its own rhythm.
You are ready to make a big change!
You are ready to make a big change with the Fool card.
It’s time to release big emotions with the Queen of Cups!
The Queen of Cups encourages us to celebrate the preciousness of our soul, and release all that is holding us back.