Honouring the Goddess Through the Seasons

December 4, 2017

For centuries, men devised the religious rituals for our civilization. Today, womyn are devising religious rituals by forming scared circles and getting together periodically. The Wheel of the Year is the perfect way to begin. The photo above clearly depicts the eight seasons/festivals in the Wheel of the Year, shown below.

The Ceremony

You can honour the Goddess through the seasons by creating your own Goddess group. This can be a group of womyn as small as five and as large as 15 who would like to get together eight times a year. These ceremonies are meant to honour the earth’s cycle and learn about ancient Goddesses who continue to make themselves known today.

My Experience with The Wheel of the Year

My Goddess circle and I meet eight times per year as we move from winter to spring, summer to fall, to winter again. We move throughout the changing year acting out the times and ages of the seasons which are also womyn’s life cycles. With each turn of the wheel we die, but we are reborn.

The Eight Festivals of the Year

  • At IMBOLC (February), she is reborn
  • At SPRING EQUINOX (March) she grows
  • At BELTANE (May) she loves
  • At SUMMER SOLSTICE (June) she shines
  • At LAMMAS (August) she labours
  • At AUTUMN EQUINOX (September) she knows
  • At SAMHAIN (October) she dies
  • At WINTER SOLSTICE (December) she turns

The Wheel of the Year ceremonies are rich experiences as womyn gather to share their stories from one season to the next.

Sign-up for the Purple Goddess newsletter to learn more about how to host your own Goddess group.