Rebirth is Coming

November 16, 2021

Message: The Death card encourages you to let go so you can make space for a new SUNRISE.

Symbols to look for:
✔️ White horse: new beginnings, strength and vitality
✔️ Skeleton: down to the bare bones
✔️ Flag: hope and the harvest
✔️ Crown on the ground: death of the ego
✔️ Sunrise: paradise lost and paradise regained

What to think about:
🔮 Don’t worry about what people will think if you make a dramatic change in your life
🔮 View every death as an opportunity for rebirth
🔮 Surround yourself with people who will encourage your growth and transformation
🔮 Keep going

Summary: You have the potential to rise through a challenging difficult time. Keep your spirit and resolve strong as you draw on strength to bring about radical rebirth.