3 Tips To Help You With A Successful Retirement and Refirement
June 16, 2020
To retire, or not retire. This is a question baby boomers are asking themselves. After a long career in a chosen field, what will it be like to surrender to a new lifestyle and perhaps new identity?
My friend Marilyn, who had a long career in academia faced retirement with a wonderful attitude when she revealed to her friends, “I’m not going to retire, I am going to refire my life.” Refirement, simply put is the opportunity to re-start your life.
Here are 3 tips to get you going on your refirement journey.
Tip 1 – Surrender to Your Tower Moment
A tower moment occurs in life when there is change. Metaphorically you are thrown to the ground from your tower. The crown (or ego) gets knocked off and you plunge into darkness, sometimes kicking and screaming all the way. Change, sudden or otherwise occurs through a variety of circumstances. For example, divorce, death of a loved one, leaving a job, moving homes, financial stress. Whatever the situation, you are not in control.
Leaning into your tower moment and surrendering your crown is often the sweet journey to a new life, even if you don’t see it at the time. The moment you surrender is the moment you begin again. I suggest writing on a piece of paper what you are willing to surrender and then burn it; thereby releasing any grip it has on you.
Tip 2 – Take Some Retreat Time
When you undergo dramatic change it is important to take time to heal. Going on a personal retreat or finding some time with nature can do wonders. Take as much time as you need. The process of re-firing one’s life takes time and patience. Be gentle with yourself and begin to listen to some new stirrings in your heart about a new direction.
Buy yourself a journal book and give it the title, ‘My Refirement Ideas and Plan.’ Write down a list of things you might like to try, and then go back and write a strategy you can put in place for each item. For example, if you want to be an artist, your strategy might be to research a class you could take, or interview an artist you admire about how they went about starting their business.
Many people want to write a book but they don’t know where to begin. Here is a blog post for my tips on how to start your own book.
Tip 3 – Let the Goddess Pele Guide You Forward
Pele is the Goddess of the volcano from Hawaii. She is the fire you need to recalibrate yourself after a great fall from your ego or tower. She knocks the crown off your head and sends you down to the ground and invites you to think about what no longer serves you and how you can transform your life with her power.
When you start the process of refirement, Pele reminds you of a fire smoldering inside you, perhaps it’s been there for a long time. She invites you to focus on your heart’s desire and unlived passion.
Refirement is the opportunity to shake up your life. You may have been living in an ivory tower of safety, and while it has served you well, now is the time to take the plunge out of your tower so you can transform into a new person more closely aligned with your destiny and higher self.
Here is a picture of Pele supporting you on your journey.

This week we celebrate Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, a time of high energy and a good opportunity to think about your refirement plan.
Here is a guided meditation (8 minutes) to visit Pele at the Goddess Temple to help you on your journey.
Here’s to your refirement journey!
Blessed Be
Till We Meet Again
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