What is Summer Solstice?
June 21, 2018
We are moving through the Celtic Wheel of the Year and it’s time to turn the wheel once again.
We celebrated Imbolc on February 1, when we were starting to leave winter behind. Then, Spring Equinox, observed on March 21, is when we began to see little shoots of green coming through the soil. May 1, we observed Beltane. Beltane is full-blown spring and the beginning of summer, sometimes referred to as the “lusty month of May.” Following Beltane, it is Summer Solstice observed on June 21.
Summer Solstice marks the sun’s maximum height in the sky, making it the longest day of the year. The themes are light and warmth. In Celtic times, young people, still in the throws of the lusty month of May, leaped over the flames of bonfires at Summer Solstice.
How Can You Celebrate Summer Solstice?
Check your local media to see if your community has a Summer Solstice gathering. These are often parades where people dress up in costumes of bright colours and sing and dance in the streets. I am going to host a Summer Solstice ceremony and we will have a meal followed by a ritual where we honour the sun and the light and the warmth it gives us.
Summer Solstice is a time for fun. If you are single, activate your dating app and invite someone to join you for a walk or a drink on Summer Solstice eve. If you are in a relationship, connect with loved ones or friends and enjoy roasting marshmallows over a bonfire.

Which Goddess is Celebrated During Summer Solstice?
There are many goddesses associated with Summer Solstice.
Juno is the Goddess of marriages and weddings. The month of June was named after Juno, and of course, June is a popular month for weddings.
The Japanese Goddess, Amaterasu is the Goddess from which all light comes.
My choice for Summer Solstice this year is Pele from Hawaii. Pele is a fire Goddess of the volcano. She represents awaking one’s passions and desires. She burns through with her fiery energy that which no longer serves.
Summer Solstice is a time to find your heart’s true desire.
Is it time to look for a new job? Is it time to bring love into your life? Is it time for a new passionate hobby?
If you need encouragement awakening your passions and desires, consider booking a 13-card Goddess reading with me. I offer this service in-person or online. I look forward to helping you connect with your inner Goddess! Email anne@purplegoddess.guru to book your reading.
Please enjoy the video below where I go into more detail about Summer Solstice.
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